Natural Laundry Room Mood Board
Laundry is one of my least favorite household chores. I will clean a toilet before I will fold & put away clothes. So having a nice, light space I enjoy being in makes the task a little less daunting. I've put together a little inspiration board for a really fun laundry room that plays off of natural fibers, a white & black color scheme, & fun tile designs. Also, one other really awesome feature is the LG Washer & Dryer with the LG Pedestal SideKick. What I love about this SideKick system is it's a separate, smaller washing attachment that acts as a pedestal for the larger full-size washer, & the dryer pedestal acts as a drawer for extra storage. Who doesn't need more storage? The smaller pedestal washer is for smaller loads & can be used at the same time as the larger washer. So you can wash a few whites while your other load is going. Multitasking at its finest. This one goes out to all the moms out there ;)

Natural Laundry Room:
01. White Cabinets
07. Open Shelving
11. Wall Paint Color
12. Accent Wall Tile
13. Stepping Stool
14. Wall Hooks
15. Wall Print
16. Laundry Hamper
17. Laundry Baskets
#laundryroom #laundryroommakeover #laundryroomremodel #modernlaundryroom #blackandwhitelaundryroom #naturallaundryroom #bohemianlaundryroom #interiordesignernc #interiordesignhickorync #hickoryinteriordesigner #hickoryinteriordesign #lenoirinteriordesign #ashevilleinteriordesign #booneinteriordesign #charlotteinteriordesign #lgpedestalsidekick